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Dynacord DSP 244 ljudprocessor, 6-kanals, delningsfilter 2-vägs 3-vägs 4-vägs, öppna pdf nedan.

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Artikel nr : DynacordDSP244
Kortnamn : Dynacord DSP 244 ljudprocessor, 6-kanals, delningsfilter 2-vägs 3-vägs 4-vägs, öppna pdf nedan.
Märke : Dynacord DSP 244
Vikt : 4.00 kg
Volym : 0.01 m3
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Fabrikat : Dynacord
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Dynacord DSP 244 ljudprocessor, 6-kanals, delningsfilter 2-vägs 3-vägs 4-vägs, öppna pdf nedan.
Dynacord DSP 244

48-bit filter algorithms, 24-bit AD/DA conversion and a dynamic range of 115 dB, the DSP 244 sets new standards for digital loudspeaker controllers and processors. The DSP 244 is an universal Digital Sound System Processor that provides 2 inputs and 4 outputs; plus internal summing of the inputs 1 and 2. Via matrix it is possible to assign the outputs to any input or to the sum of the inputs. It is further possible to establish the following configurations: Stereo or Dual 2-Way systems, 3-Way + Direct and 4-Way systems, each with Mono Subchannel, but also full range systems. High and low-pass filters are provided for the frequency crossover functions in all operation modes. The selection includes Linkwitz-Riley, Butterworth and Bessel type filters with switchable slopes between 6, 12, 18 and 24 dB/oct. A huge number of additional filters offers extremely flexible correction of the frequency response. Each input incorporates a 5-band equalizer, allowing to assign high and low-pass, high and low-shelving or parametric peak-dip filters to its individual filter sections. Next to the frequency crossover filters, four additional filters are employed in each output channel, which also can be set to work as high or low-pass, high or low-shelving filters, parametric peak-dip filters, or all-pass filters. Additional filtering is provided through 2. order high-passes for the realization of B-6 alignment, or special LPN-filters (Low-Pass Notch filters) for correcting the frequency and phase responses of optimally vented woofer cabinets. Each channel additionally provides a delay, a polarity switch, a programmable level control and a digital compressor / limiter while the master delays are located in the input channels. Datasheets / ManualsBrochure (309KB)

Mains voltage 90 - 250 V AC / 50 - 60 Hz Power consumption 20 watts Safety class I Inputs 2 x XLR IN, electronically balanced, transformer optional available 2 x XLR OUT (Direct Out) Input voltage (nominal) 1.55 V / + 6 dBu Max. input voltage 24.5 V / + 30 dBu Input impedance 20 kohms Common mode rejection > 40 dB AD-conversion 24-bit, Sigma-Delta, 128 times oversampling, linear phase Outputs 4 x XLR OUT, electronically balanced Output voltage (nominal) 1.55 V / + 6 dBu Max. output voltage 8.7 V / + 21 dBu Output impedance < 100 ohms Min. load impedance 600 ohms DA-conversion 24-bit, Sigma-Delta, 128 times oversampling Frequency response 20 Hz - 20 kHz (- 0.5 dB) S/N ratio 115 dB (typical) Distortion without transformer < 0.01 % Distortion with transformer < 0.05 % Frequency crossovers 6, 12, 18, 24 dB/oct. slope; Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley Filters 26 parametric equalizers Low-Shelving equalizer, LPN (Lowpass-Notch) switchable Hi-Shelving equalizer, 6 / 12 dB slope switchable, Lo-Cut filter (B-6 alignment switchable), Hi-Cut filter, All-Pass filter Compressor / limiter 4 digital compressors / limiters Delay 3 master delays (2 ms - 900 ms), 4 channel delays (0 ms - 900 ms), delay-increment 21 µsec. Data format 24-bit linear AD / DA conversion, 48-bit processing Sampling rate 48 kHz MIDI IN / OUT / THRU Data Dump, Master / Slave operation/ Remote Control Display 122 x 32 Dots, graphic LC-Display with LED-background lighting Dimensions 483 x 43.6 x 374 (WxHxD in mm), 19", 1 HU Weight 5 kg / 11 lbs Locking function protection against inadvertent operation via function-lock Accessories PA 1 plexiglas cover 1 HU Options NRS 90244 Input transformer, NRS 90243 RS-232 interface, NRS 90247 RS-485 interface, NRS 90246 Contact Closure interface

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