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Röde SMR Shock Mount

716:- exkl. moms



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Artikel nr : RODsmr
Kortnamn : Röde SMR Shock Mount
Vikt : 1.00 kg
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Fabrikat :  Specifikationer
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Röde SMR Shock Mount
Rode SMR External Shockmount
The unique dual-Lyre suspension system of the SMR was developed by RØDE’s engineers to improve the overall effectiveness of the shock mount. The smaller inner Lyre acts as a tension element, to maintain each Lyre in its neutral position where it is most efficient at cancelling vibration.

The Pop Shield 
No expense was spared in the creation of the SMR pop shield. Manufactured from medical-grade stainless steel, it is first chemically etched, shaped and welded before receiving a PVD base coat, followed by an electrostatically charged paint coating. Embedded between the outer panels is a silicon damper, further minimising any resonance that could affect your sound.

The Clamping system 
The clamping system of the SMR utilises a greater surface area for increased friction and weight handling, without the need for over-tightening of the locking thread. With the load distributed over a greater surface area, the clamping system is virtually immune to the wear and tear of repeated use.

The Frame 
The frame of the SMR is constructed from an engineering grade reinforced polymer, typically only seen in high-load applications such as safety equipment, automotive components, and military artillery. Vibration force is evenly distributed around the outer frame via the wide mounting rails, increasing the effectiveness of the Lyre system.

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